Day 3 of The Commenting Challenge !!!
Todays topic-
Tell us about your hobbies! What do you do in your
free time? What are your favorite books, movies, music etc?
1st- Whats free time? I do like to read on my nook..I of course am reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I still need to finish book 3. I love watching new movies...and shopping! I am a HUGE country music fan and enjoy going to concert as often as we can!
What about you??
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Linking back up wtih Jenna's Journey for day 3 of The The 3rd Annual Commenting Challenge!
Todays Topic!
"Welcome to Day 3! Our topic today is two-fold:
Tell us about your social media! Where can we find you? Link to your twitter, pinterest, Facebook, instagram, or google +. If you don't use those sites, then tell us why not!
Also, what are your favorite websites? Are there any that you check daily? What do you like about them?"
I'm a HUGE facebook user....I don't have one for my blog and don't plan to at this point...and I would prefer to keep my fb personal for now! BUT I'm obsessed. I have a twitter...but I don't really use it. OR see the point because I use FB so heavily....I started the twitter for another resource to win giveways on blogs! lol! I have instagram of course, what iphone user doesn't?
I check facebook, all of my blogs and of course pinterest daily! I prefer the pinterest app on my iphone more then the actual computer these days! Its so much easier!
Please tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with FB?! Wellll Now that I think about it...I may be obsessed with Pinterest I have 4900 pins!
Todays Topic!
"Welcome to Day 3! Our topic today is two-fold:
Tell us about your social media! Where can we find you? Link to your twitter, pinterest, Facebook, instagram, or google +. If you don't use those sites, then tell us why not!
Also, what are your favorite websites? Are there any that you check daily? What do you like about them?"
I'm a HUGE facebook user....I don't have one for my blog and don't plan to at this point...and I would prefer to keep my fb personal for now! BUT I'm obsessed. I have a twitter...but I don't really use it. OR see the point because I use FB so heavily....I started the twitter for another resource to win giveways on blogs! lol! I have instagram of course, what iphone user doesn't?
I check facebook, all of my blogs and of course pinterest daily! I prefer the pinterest app on my iphone more then the actual computer these days! Its so much easier!
Please tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with FB?! Wellll Now that I think about it...I may be obsessed with Pinterest I have 4900 pins!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
DAY 2!!! Linking back up to Jenna's Journey ! I'm loving all the blog love I'm getting!!!!
Today's Topic--"Tell us about your blog. What do you blog about? Why do you blog? How did you start blogging? What kinds of things do you/are you willing to share with the world? Where do you find your topic inspiration? (Hint: Don't share about your social media just yet)"
Well....I have tried and tried to give this blog time...and every time I start...I stop.
BUT I would like to be blogging about all kinds of stuff.....Our lives, raising 2 kids 15 months apart, Losing weight, eating, running, shopping, our home...pretty much everything! I really plan to make it work this time....I will be returning to the world of being a stay at home Momma in the next month! And I can't wait!!!! Our consignment shop is taking to much important time away from my babies...who wont be babies forever....( and at 3 and 2 they really aren't babies!) But enough is enough. So I will be throwing myself into all things home, our family, my house, my weight lost journey...You name it!
On July 14th It will be 1 year since I started Weight Watchers! Here's a progress pic!!
So really for the next couple of months..I will be focused on losing the rest of the weight!
Monday, June 25, 2012
3rd Annual Commenting Challenge!

I'm participating in Jenna's Journey 3rd Annual Commenting Challenge! "Today's Topic: Tell us about YOU! What's your name? Where do you live? Who lives with you? Do you work outside the home? Have kids? Pets? (Psst! Don't spill the beans about your blog or hobbies quite yet!)."
OK! So here we go! My name is Amy! I live with my wonderful husband Tommy, our 2 kids, Lane and Charlotte and my Mom also lives with us in Maryland! I was born and raised here! We have 1 cocker spaniel named Noah.
I co own a Children's consignment shop with my best friend of years...and my husband and I own a landscape company! But the kids go with me to the shop!
My husband and I were married in June of 2005! We just celebrated our 7th year of marriage! We built our home and moved in Feb. of 2008 and welcomed our first baby, a sweet little boy in September! THEN SURPRISE!! A sassy little girl was born in January of 2010! 15 Months apart.....Some days its intense...They are a handful! Having a 3 year old and a 2 year old is WORK! But, having them close is making them best friends! They love and protect each other like no other!
Were just living our life day to day...and loving it! I'm working with a new designer to actually get a real blog layout! I can't wait for the new reveal!!