A friend said I should start a blog...ha I told her well I have one and never update it....7-8 months. Who's counting?
Uh I suck at this blogging business. Epic fail.
But. I'm back. And I'm back with no sweetness and sugar coating.
I'm doing this blog for me. There will be no editing because I'm afraid who I may offend. If you don't like it please keep clicking. I'm real. I'm also ALL OVER the place. I don't tend to flow well. So I'm starting over.
Here goes my intro- Im a real 20 something mom of 2 kids 15 months apart, I'm married to the love of my life, he has became an amazing daddy and a even better husband then I could've dreamed of, I'm a country girl at heart who likes Toms and Coach. I'm not afraid to get dirty. I like cheap wine and hate beer. My friends are insanely important to me. My mom lives with us since my dad passed away. 2 years ago. I prefer Instagram over Facebook anyway. I can't stand fake people. Or liars. If your either keep clicking. I love DIY channel. And Housewives of OC and jersey (wowwww Teresa!) also love Duck Dynasty and want to marry Willie. (Yes, I'm aware I'm married). #for8yearsthankyouverymuch I'm also obsessed with my garden. I have a new love for our earth. We have canned green beans, pickles and tomatoes. Salsa is next! Were also hunters. If that offends you keep clicking. We eat all that we kill or donate. I dont care about your opinion of hunters. They are wrong. I also have no intentions of starting a new paragraph either.
Fine. I will.
I like to craft and do it yourself things. I do love to shop. I can be an extreme couponer. I'm also a hoarder. (Not a good combo). I really like iced coffee. No matter what the temp. I also like cheese. And ice cream. And all things bad for you. Cue 2 years of weigh watchers. I've lost 40 lbs and gained some back. And have now successfully being gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for 7 months. (What the hell). For real? Sigh...
So here we go.
Here's to blogging, instagraming and fb. Be ready for kid talk, weight talk, house talk, beauty talk, clothes talk...and whatever hell else I want too. I