
Saturday, November 1, 2014

I'm back!

Hey y'all! 

Its always so hard to keep up with this regardless of how hard I try! But I have embarked on a new journey and I want to share it with every single person ever. 

Essential Oils. 

Young Living Essential Oils to be exact.

To say we are blessed with these has been an understatement. In numerous ways. I have followed blog after blog with people using these oils and raving and raving over how amazing they are! However with anything I was skeptical. 

I plan to do post going forward a day that shows how to use the oils out of the every day kit. And how we use it in our home. 


Saturday, June 21, 2014


Somehow I just turned 30. 

How did that happen? 

I'm still figuring out how it happened. But it did. And I thought a "what I've learned in my 30 years" post would be best....

1. Love yourself. If you don't no one else will. Or not the way you want to be loved. 

2. Work hard. And then work harder.

3. True Love is real. I'm lucky to have it. 

4. Dogs make the world better. 

5. Find yourself. Go back to #1. 

6. Tomorrow isn't promised. Neither is the rest of today. 

7. Only allow people who care in your life. 

8. Don't follow. Everyone appreciates a leader. 

9. Chocolate is a cure all. 

10. So is the radio full blasted with the windows down. 

11. Don't be Afriad to ask for help. Life's overwhelming. Kids are overwhelming. 

12. It's ok to be tired. 

13. Your friends are just as important as family. Your core group of friends are family. 

14. Time alone with your husband is precious. 

15. Coffee cures most things. 

16. School is important. 

17. Do what you do. 

18. Give thoughtful gifts. People appreciate it when you spend the same amount of time on them.

19. What do you do with CDs? I can't part with them.

20. Babies are the best part of you. 

21. Learn to cook using what's in your house. Aka make food from scratch. 

22. Plant a garden. 

23. Sometimes life forces you into situations you have no control over. Handle it with grace. 

24. You can't change people. And you shouldn't. 

25. Surround yourself with people who make YOU happy. 

26. Watch old movies with your girlfriends. It takes you back to carefree days of your youth. 

27. Being a parent is a selfless act. It takes constant work and your always growing.

28. Use sunscreen. Your not getting any younger.

29. Never stop flirting or dating your partner. 

30. Lastly, the past 30 years have taught me a tremendous amount about being a woman, wife, mother, friend and daughter. I'm still learning and I'm sure the best is yet to come. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I'm  obsessed with Goodwill. So obsessed I won a $25.00 gift card!!! I scored 2 frames for .98 cents each. 

No backs, glass etc.  

I used Martha chalk paint then distressed it with her stain! I love the finished project!!! I then stapled jute to the back to hAng pictures in the new craft room!!!

Aren't those kids cute???

Also Goodwill loved it as well!

I'll share more of loot later ;) 

It's almost ....

Friday, April 25, 2014

Free $$$$ To Tar Jay!

Hollys doing another giveaway! Woot woot! $50.00 Tar Jay gift card! Easy entry! Check it out at her blog!

Tar Jay Gift Card!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I. Don't care.

I get so tired of watching what I eat I could scream. 

I don't care that it's bad for me. 

I get so sick of hearing about weight loss. 

I don't care that you lost 1 lb or gained 10. 

I get so frustrated by my lack of caring. That I just don't care anymore. 

I. Don't. Care. 

I get so tired of being consumed by food. 

I'm sick of the battle or constant Talks and not changing 1 single thing. 

It defines me.  As a failure. And fail is something I refuse to allow. 

That statement boldly indicates I care. 

The last 3 years have drastically changed me. Not for the better most days. More often then not I go to call him and can hardly breathe let alone think about food. 3 years seem like a lifetime. But it isn't. I miss my Dad every single day. I'm letting it define me. I've become hard, cold and quite frankly I don't care. People in your life other then those drastically affected move on with their lives. Naturally. I feel like they forget. And sadly don't care. Intentionally or not. 

I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to start caring. I don't know how to keep moving ahead. I know it's time. For my health, my babies, my amazing husband and my dear friends. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Chicken coop part 2!

Next up the nesting boxes. Again all reclaimed lumber. 

Back window in! My littlest chic all ready to go! 

Looks like I missed a few pics of the plywood going up! Chicken door! 

Using up left over outdoor paint. Again at $49.00. 

Ok. No way was I going to let this huge green coop go un decorated. So we added more decking boards to the whole outside to make it more charming and less sore thumb. 

And we already had the dog run from a job someone wanted removed! Works perfectly! 

And meet my girls at 6 days old!! They are soooooo big now!!!! 

They got some fresh air on Tuesday! 

We have the tin roof left which we hope to do on Sunday! Because the ladies are ready to go to there new home!!! 

Friday, March 28, 2014


Hey gals! It's Friday! Woot! I'm linking up! 

1. This shirt. I must have it. I mean wouldn't you? 

2. This app. Holy moly. You can see it in the above pic. It's fantastic!  It's called InstaSize and it's FREE!!!! So are the awesome chevron backgrounds! 

3. So I had a Nook a long time ago pre iPad. And somehow they had a settlement and I got a credit! Heck yes! You better check your email if you had a Nook! 

4. This hair!!!!! I love love it! And her style! This is on the agenda for Saturday! 

5. Were reconnected. And I'm in love with this bracelet! Why have I not been wearing it?!??? 

Have a good weekend! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Vote for our PIC!

I entered a Picture of Charlotte in a Southern States giveaway! The top 10 most liked entries move to the next round where Southern States votes for the top 3! If you have a minute please log onto your FB (its solely a Facebook contest!) Here is the link---  

Charlottes picture! 

We bought all of our chics this year from Southern States and feed! We love this store!

We could win a $300.00 Southern States Gift Card!!! Woooohooooo!!!

Heres my pretty girls pic!

Entry Photo


Thanks for your help! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Chicken coop part 1!

Whew. I didn't realize it had been so long since I blogged! Some days this seems like a full time job? I can't be alone thinking that?!?!?!?  

Anyways. We have been working on our chicken coop! We decided this year we wanted to give raising chickens a go! I have spent HOURS researching and reading about chickens. Which I swear is strange. Something about gardening has brought out some new found part of me. And I love it. Simple is better. And anyone who tells you differently is lying. There is nothing more therapeutic then to get up early and start my morning off in the garden...And to even type that is foreign to me. Its just so calming and amazing to harvest your own goodies. I have loved loved every second of it and I miss it terribly. I am so ready to start digging in the fresh dirt. Were expanding the garden this year. I plan to blog about it a lot more as well. BUT back to Chickens.

So the coop. We were lucky enough to have a job last summer that we installed a beautiful paver patio. BUT to get to the patio the deck had to be removed. Thankfully my handy husband was smart enough to take the deck apart nicely and neatly and then store the wood the same way. KNOWING we would use it for! (hoarders.) So $49.00 we are almost done. We still need the tin roof. And thats it!

FYI- it was freezing. We worked 2 soild weekends. 

Let me remind you. We are at $49.00 spent. On those! See the yellow boxes? Decking screws are way over priced. I mean really?!? 

Found these windows at the farm. Worked perfectly! 

Somehow this man never questions my insane ideas. And willingly does them without complaining ever. 

Where my stud is standing is future nesting boxes! 

I'll save more for tomorrow! 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Finish The Sentence!

Linking up with my gurrrrrrrllllllll! The lovely Holly from Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally

1. I always pick…doing it MY way. 

2. Look at the size of those... WHAT? What are you looking. #alwayslookingatmyboobs MY FACE IS UP HERE!! HEYYYYYY #curseofabigchest 

3. I recently learned....that the age 5 has been the hardest yet. Mood swings are no joke when your 5. 

4. Only when no one is looking...I pluck my unibrow. 

5. I lost my....winter tolerance.  I HATE WINTER. 

6. I was certain I'd… have more then 2 kids. BUT hell no. Nope. Never. I can't even handle these 2. A puppy will do. 

7. There is not enough liquor in the world for me to....pretend to be nice. I just don't ever have it in me. 

8. I just finished... doing some extreme couponing at Tar Jay! Your wasting $ If your not couponing.

9. Why does everyone have to be... fake. enough said.

10. It's very rare when I... can pay attention for longer then 2 minutes whatever someone is saying. 

11. If I were a dog... I would be a bulldog. Preferably the Georgia Bulldog mascot one so Jason Aldean could love all over me. 
Jason Aldean just moved up about 10 notches on my hotness scale. He has a bulldog!!

Happy Birthday my Man! Since were bff I know its his bday. HAHHAHA 

12. I don't believe...I can ever give up drinking coke. uh yes I'm drinking one now. I just cant. AND dont even be giving me a pepsi. ugh. 

Have a good Friday Girls! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

$75 to Tar Jay!

My blogging buddy the fantastic Holly over at Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally is doing a $75.00 gift card giveaway to Tar Jay!!! Woot Woot!

Have you guys been to Target recently?! I'm loving everything! But thats normal! We need new bar stools this year. AND HOLY MOLY these are cuteeeeeee!!!

30" Uptown Bar Stool - Grey & White Chevron
Find them HERE

I also love the saddle bar stools!

Threshold™ Trenton Saddle Bar Stool - Set of 2
Find them HERE

Anyways, I want everything at Target all the time. I mean all the time. So $75.00 would be perfect to feed my addiction! Head over and enter the giveaway!!! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We actually got 21 inches of snow. 21!!!!!!!! 



Let's talking about my new obsession. 

It took me a while. Because quite frankly uh zoombies I mean for deal?!??? But it's sooooo good!!!! I'm half way through season 2. And I did start the new season.   
I love this guy. 

Ohhh Daryl! 

How was your weekend/valentines day? Ours was great! We had our annual heart shaped pizza! 

We spend the night together with our family. Because in the end what really matters? 

Saturday we went to my lifelong bffs surprise 30th bday party! It was such an enjoyable night out with my hubby! I'll share more about it later. 30 is the year....ugh it's just a number right? Isn't she beautiful? We've been friends since 5th grade. I'll let you do the math.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Spring Fever

It's calling for "12 PLUS" inches of snow tomorrow. Say WHAT?!?!?!?!?! 12 WHAT?!?!?! Oh lord. Just when I was day dreaming about my garden, future chickens, bare kid feet, sweet honeysuckle, and green grass. Its calling for 12 plus inches of SNOW. ugh. I am so over winter I can hardly stand it. So instead I've taken to Pinterest to day dream all day. If you have a garden I have pinned some really helpful resources. Check them out! Here are my top fav for gardening!

 Your #Seeding Calendar - A cheat-sheet of when and how to plant the most common edibles' seeds. By Rob Sproule, Salisbury Greenhouse

LOVE this idea to start seeds inside!!!! Here is her blog link- the Prairie Cottage

This is genius!

Make these cool twig plant markers with help by The Garden Glove.  So simple, fast and gorgeous!

Anyways. I'll be starting to plant some seeds inside hopefully this week! I just planted garlic inside yesterday. So I'm hoping to branch out! lol! Either way, I can't wait to get back outside!

Oh and these SPRING colors  make my heart sing. How beautiful is this?
I really like the colors here... and the vintagy feel of the mint chair and those flowers.

Follow me on Pinterest ! I may or may not have over 10K...oppppps