
Friday, April 25, 2014

Free $$$$ To Tar Jay!

Hollys doing another giveaway! Woot woot! $50.00 Tar Jay gift card! Easy entry! Check it out at her blog!

Tar Jay Gift Card!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I. Don't care.

I get so tired of watching what I eat I could scream. 

I don't care that it's bad for me. 

I get so sick of hearing about weight loss. 

I don't care that you lost 1 lb or gained 10. 

I get so frustrated by my lack of caring. That I just don't care anymore. 

I. Don't. Care. 

I get so tired of being consumed by food. 

I'm sick of the battle or constant Talks and not changing 1 single thing. 

It defines me.  As a failure. And fail is something I refuse to allow. 

That statement boldly indicates I care. 

The last 3 years have drastically changed me. Not for the better most days. More often then not I go to call him and can hardly breathe let alone think about food. 3 years seem like a lifetime. But it isn't. I miss my Dad every single day. I'm letting it define me. I've become hard, cold and quite frankly I don't care. People in your life other then those drastically affected move on with their lives. Naturally. I feel like they forget. And sadly don't care. Intentionally or not. 

I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to start caring. I don't know how to keep moving ahead. I know it's time. For my health, my babies, my amazing husband and my dear friends. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Chicken coop part 2!

Next up the nesting boxes. Again all reclaimed lumber. 

Back window in! My littlest chic all ready to go! 

Looks like I missed a few pics of the plywood going up! Chicken door! 

Using up left over outdoor paint. Again at $49.00. 

Ok. No way was I going to let this huge green coop go un decorated. So we added more decking boards to the whole outside to make it more charming and less sore thumb. 

And we already had the dog run from a job someone wanted removed! Works perfectly! 

And meet my girls at 6 days old!! They are soooooo big now!!!! 

They got some fresh air on Tuesday! 

We have the tin roof left which we hope to do on Sunday! Because the ladies are ready to go to there new home!!!