The day started off rough..The dog was supposed to be groomed today but 10 mins before I walk out the door his groomer calls and cancels. So off to Target we went. For the 1st time I put Charlotte in the Bjorn and she did great! I could actually use the cart.. I've been having a hard time getting anymore than 5 things with Lane sitting in the front of the cart and Charlotte's infant carrier in the big part of the cart! So hopefully we can continue this trend! We also have a Ergo but she doesnt really like it yet...
Thanks Bjorn!

Is it Fall yet? I'm ready for Fall TV shows!!! BUT in the meantime Ive become obsessed with anything on Bravo really...starting with her!

I Loved Bethenny on The Real Housewives of New York and now she has her on show! yeah!! And how could we forget these girls...

Danielle gets worse and worse every time I watch!!! I'm anxious for Monday nights show to see what happens!
Other than that not much else is on Thursdays..What do you watch?
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