You are crawling all over the house! Following your big brother everywhere! Sitting, Laughing, clapping, waving, Pulling up, saying Dada...and I swear we heard you say BYE this morning...just as plain as day! And were gettting ready to move you out of your infant carrier and into a big girl carseat! Your also wearing 12 months clothes. AND still getting up for a bottle sometimes ( THIS must stop!! lol)
SO Happy 8 Months Sweet Baby Girl!! We love you!!!!
Your baby girl is adorable! My little one will be 8 months at the end of September. It goes by way to fast doesn't it?
I came across your blog on Top Baby Blogs! I get so excited when I find a blog that has a baby right at Teagan's age!
I wanted to let you know that I gave you a "bloggy award" on my blog ( ). It's kind of like a "pay it forward" award. Just go to the blog to check it out.
I hope you have a happy Thursday!
She is just precious! Happy 8 months to your little one.
Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”
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