1. Snow Days. I'm DONE with the snow. With Snow days. With a crazy schedule. With kids fighting. Whoever says they stay home and bake, make crafts, and fill in the blanks must be a saint. I don't have the patience for that on any day. Let alone a weekend then another day. Lord have mercy. Did I mention its calling for 2 snow storms this weekend?
I read this post on facebook this am and it was dead on the money!! This is pretty much how I feel. Learn to entertain yourself. And that doesnt include my ipad, my tv or a leap pad. GO PLAY. goodness I have lazy kids. I refuse to spend snow days entertaining my kids
Is it spring yet? I did send them outside on day last week when It was 60. To play in the snow.

2. Biggest Loser anyone? 60 percent. Holy moly. A bit much don't we think? Are we trying to be skinny or healthy here?! I mean what kind of message is this sending to our young girls?!
Here is a good article on it that I recently read. - Biggest Loser 60% weight loss
3. I miss my garden. And need it to be spring. I need the sun. Ugh. Can you say winter blues?!
can I get a amen?!
4. I need this backsplash.
5. HAIR. I'm planning something new for spring! I'm sick of this hair. And its color to be honest. Time to spice it up. 
Well clearly I can't go blonde. SOooooo I was thinking something like this-
Thoughts on the hair do??
ALSO. I haven't weighed in yet this week. Crap weather and then I ran out of time this morning. Guess it can wait until next Wednesday. I'm not feeling too good about it to be honest. I assure you losing weight is the hardest thing I have ever done.
But lets not bring the weekend down. Happy Friday Bitches!
Wait. This is more like it.
1 comment:
I felt bad for the Biggest Loser. She said that now she could go out and make friends. I am afraid that she might have an eating disorder.
I would be happy with my short hair if it looked like Julianne's!
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