
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Boy!!!!

I cant believe my baby is 2 today. Where has the time gone....Sigh....

Vintage Lane-

Lane now-

I have more pic I was trying to add...but its not letting me..and I have cupcakes in the oven!

Happy Birthday to my precious, sweet, loving baby boy! We Love you so much!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy 8 Months Sissy Girl!

Baby Girl or as Lane refers to her fondly "Sissy Girl" is 8 months old today!!! Boy does time fly =(

You are crawling all over the house! Following your big brother everywhere! Sitting, Laughing, clapping, waving, Pulling up, saying Dada...and I swear we heard you say BYE this morning...just as plain as day! And were gettting ready to move you out of your infant carrier and into a big girl carseat! Your also wearing 12 months clothes. AND still getting up for a bottle sometimes ( THIS must stop!! lol)

SO Happy 8 Months Sweet Baby Girl!! We love you!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Your Three Words

Busy Long Weekend.

We have a jam packed next couple of days! Today we went to a great mall and had lunch with my bff. The kids did well....It was A LONG day in stroller or car seats. With no "real" naps.

We didn't really shop at all at the mall...we just really went to eat at The Cheesecake Factory

Then we headed to Babiesrus us....but they were doing construction and it was a mess. So no good.

I'm hoping tomorrow to get to the mall maybe? We will see how the day goes!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Running Out

I feel like I'm running out of time....running out of energy...just running out of everything....ha Lane will be 2 at the end of September and sweet baby girl will be 8 months soon...I mean how does that happen!?!??! TIME is moving just too too fast. I cant keep up!

Charlotte is now crawling and all over the house keeping up with Lane. Shes also pulling herself up now. I think she will walk much earlier then Lane did. He was somewhat late though.

Lane is putting sentences together and learning numbers and colors. Some days I can hardly keep up with him. ONCE again running out....

Today is September 1st already. Running out again.

I am really looking forward to fall. Pumpkin Spice lattes, The fair, chilly mornings, Halloween, Lanes 2 year pics, and shhhhhhh Christmas too!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Why...cant I keep up with this blog? Could it be the lure of crying babies? Diapers? laundry? Dishes? Nap Time? uhhh I will try better....We've been so busy recently...

We just returned back from a short weekend at the beach! Lane wasn't so sure about the sand and the water was sooooooo cold. BUT Charlotte loved the sand! The kids ended up doing great! They slept sooo well! I wish the trip couldve been longer. But there is always another time!

Charlotte is now sitting up and crawling!!! All of this over the past couple of days!! Shes getting so so big...

Pics to follow later =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wordless Thursday....

I KNOW Its supposed to be wordless Wednesday. BUT TOday its Wordless Thursday! ha
Lane a little unsure of his first parade!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just another Manic Monday....

The weekend went so fast! It was filled up for us with lots of family time! We had friends over Saturday night and had a great play date for the babes, somehow I forgot to take pictures of the toy room explosion!!!! 8 kids!!!!!! It was a mess!!! But they all cleaned up afterwards and they kids slept great Saturday night! And yesterday we had a family reunion at a park nearby and Lane played and played and played. It was such nice weather too!!! And somehow the weekend is over and back to Monday...kinda a lazy day for us. Thank goodness!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blog Designs/Backgrounds

I can't seem to find a background I am happy with. And I have NO idea how to do the header either. sigh...

I think I will test drive this one for a while.

What sites does everybody else use? And are you all paying for your design?

ALSO, where can I get a signature?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Gym....

Not much going on today..or yesterday for that matter....Lane had The Little Gym this morning! Which he loves and so do I! Its such a nice break for us both. I have some Mom friends there and Lane has some little friends as well. Later in the afternoon today I had to have a tooth pulled. ugh. Yes. FYI Pregnancy is HORRIBLE on your teeth.
Lane at the Little Gym..

Do any of you all do any thing like The Little Gym for your children? I'm thinking of doing something different for him during the fall semester? Any ideas??

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ugh. Again.

So yes, I let it happen again. I neglected the blog! We've been so busy when I have a free minute..I'm running errands or picking up the house. Which is never ending.

The babes are good..Charlotte is going to take off and crawl any second now and Lane doesn't stop talking until his head hits the pillow.

BUT have you been watching this?

And what about Farrah?!?! Being a Mom myself I know sometimes its really really hard to not lose it. But she needs to learn to just clam down. Poor Sophia was in a strange place...And whats going on with Tyler and Catelynn?!?!?! I fully admit I'm a sucker for all reality shows.....

We finally planed our beach trip! Where JUST going for the weekend...but at this point anyway to any place is good with me!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bjorn and Summer TV!

The day started off rough..The dog was supposed to be groomed today but 10 mins before I walk out the door his groomer calls and cancels. So off to Target we went. For the 1st time I put Charlotte in the Bjorn and she did great! I could actually use the cart.. I've been having a hard time getting anymore than 5 things with Lane sitting in the front of the cart and Charlotte's infant carrier in the big part of the cart! So hopefully we can continue this trend! We also have a Ergo but she doesnt really like it yet...
Thanks Bjorn!

Is it Fall yet? I'm ready for Fall TV shows!!! BUT in the meantime Ive become obsessed with anything on Bravo really...starting with her!

I Loved Bethenny on The Real Housewives of New York and now she has her on show! yeah!! And how could we forget these girls...

Danielle gets worse and worse every time I watch!!! I'm anxious for Monday nights show to see what happens!

Other than that not much else is on Thursdays..What do you watch?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Been a long time.....

I realize its been longer than a year!

Where too start...well as you can tell we now have another baby! A sweet baby girl named Charlotte, who entered our world on January 13 2010. And she is perfect! She has brought so much joy to our lives and completes us as a family. Lane and her are just starting to interact and laughing!!! Watching them together is amazing!

Lane is now 21 1/2 months...talking non stop and we just started working on Potty Training! So far so good....Were taking it nice and slow!

I follow a ton of blogs and decided that I should actual maintain the one I have. Maybe this is the outlet I need to maintain my sanity during 2 in diapers, bottles, non nap days, lunch time break downs and spit up on my newly washed shirt....