
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!!

But more like Happy New Year!

Its time for list and resolutions we never stick too....(don't roll your eyes. Ha! We all do it. I'm super guilty.)

My list consist of
- losing the weight I gained back plus my original goal. Why is losing weight so damn hard?
- mailing birthday cards to all our family and friends
- better organization in different areas
- being more "present"
- actually blog.
- I want to plant a garden

I did get a iPad for Xmas!! Thanks Momma! So I'm hoping to blog more often. I would love to grow the blog immensely. Blogging on this thing is weird!

So here we go! Here's to another year with my family, feeling blessed, living my fairy tale with the love of my life, running, health, friends and everything else!

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