
Monday, September 30, 2013


Birthday Parties.

My sweet boy turned 5 on Saturday. 5 years OLD. How that happened I have NO idea. 

So of course when you are 5 years old and in preschool and have a huge family you have to have a party! This year Lane requested a Party at our local bounce house.

 I thought about it..and thought about it...talked it over with hubs and decided it sounded perfect!! I had NOTHING to do. I didn't have to run around spending hours away from my family cleaning the house...or making pinterest-worthy party goodies, I didn't have to drop tons and tons of money on food. And let me tell you. It was so far my favorite party! I actually had the time to enjoy it! I enjoyed how much my kids and the hubs loved it. He was right in there with the kids! It was such a blast! And I couldn't have wished for a better party.

 I always feel anxious and so much pressure when we have parties at home....It takes me weeks to prepare and I just can't always find the time to get it all done. (Don't even give me "Well your a stay at home Mom, how do you not have time"). Running a business takes time as well. I'm not quite sure how working full time Moms get it all done. But my hats off to them! So it may not have had cute cupcake toppers, UH we had Glazed donuts (that's all my boy eats for sweets), No goody bags who keeps those anyways unless they have $,  I didn't even order the 5.00 a piece balloons...instead they had good ol' fashion fun, lifetime memories and I didn't have to waste hours making sure my house was clean enough. Speaking of "clean enough" for who?! WHY do we do this to ourselves?! And don't get me wrong. I have had tons of parties for the kids or anyone for that matter and have done all of these things. But not this year. This year was for fun. And fun we had!! I hope he remembers this party just the way I do.

 I do wish these birthdays would slow down. I need another baby. 

I'm starting the new play room! Were moving the playroom up to the extra room since the basement is done now ( I know, it needs a post!). I'm doing a chalkboard wall on one wall and painting the other 3. The old playroom will now be the MAN room and the office is moving up to the alcove (I have no idea why its called that) the area above the foyer. Ours is closed in. thank god because I'm a hoarder.   Now to clean out the playroom. I have NO idea where all of these toys came from!?!?!?!

1 comment:

Kelbel556 said...

Love this! I am def guilty of always doing the extravagant party and really looking back on them they were never as extravagant as I thought they would turn out and more often then not I remember how the kids drove me nuts and I yelled at them to leave me alone while I was trying to get ready for THEIR party...which is such an oxy moron! Anyways, one of these years I need to take the "less is more" approach! I'm so glad Lanes party turned out as great as it did....the kids had a blast and THATS what mattered :)