
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mid week Randoms.

Day 2! Woot! That's an accomplishment.

And The Mr. is almost home. (Thank you dear sweet baby Jesus). These kids have been fighting and starving allllllll day. 

This week so far has consisted of.....canning, the zoo, the grocery store (holy hell I've already been 3 times)...

So I've been canning up a storm! This week was Salsa!! And let me tell you.... It's amazing. 

15 cups of maters!!!! It could be slightly hotter but I was afraid of the habaneros!!! (Mr. And I tried them and immediately  ran to the sink, but 15 cups of maters needs way more then 1 habanero.) So next time ill add more! It made 18 jars!!!!!! We may or may not be having grilled cheeses for dinner so we can have chips and salsa! Ha! 

I also made these Turkey Burgers on Tuesday. They are now in the new rotation! Good stuff. 

Courtesy of Bethenny of course. ugh. 

My advice to her- Jason wasn't terrible, girl. Best your going to get with that massive chip on your shoulder.

I swear that's still from her Housewives of NYC days. And by the way she WASN'T a house wife! 

A new friend (I hope I can call her that, it's cool right Tara?!? Haha!) has given me some suggestions on how to keep rolling with this blog. You can find her here --- 

So here we go!! 

Ps I'm looking for a new layout/design, any suggestions on who to use?

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